A Christmas Homecoming
I’m not sure where the story begins. Maybe it started when my mom was born, or when my parents met. By that same token, the ending isn’t an ending, it’s a beginning. Most everyone thinks their parents are the best. Mine truly were. I didn’t know how special or unique they were until my dad died. I just thought that all families were like ours, at least to a degree. I knew there were differences, but yet in my innocence or maybe my ignorance, I thought all parents were great. I just thought all daddies were like mine. It wasn’t until I was almost 50 when a childhood friend said to me, “Not all dads were like yours”, that I put any thought into the differences with my parents. It was an eye-opening conversation. (I wasn’t naive, I knew kids were abused and such. I knew there were differences in families and parents, but I never thought about my dad or mom being special to other people) My dad has been gone for over 12 years now and people still talk about him like they just ta...