The war rages on ~ A word of caution (November 6, 2024)

Would you still be praising me if the results would have been different?
Would I still be great and worthy of your praise if team red had lost on Tuesday?
I am sovereign.
You fickle people. I spared this nation for Me, to bring glory to My name and usher in my next great move.
Know this, the church must continue to wake up and push back evil and darkness.
I gave you a battle, but the war rages on.
The enemy will go into full court press mode. Do not back down. Do not become cocky and arrogant. Continue to remain humble before me.
The battle rages on. My church, My remnant and My people MUST continue to press in. There is still a great deal of work to do. Many are still blind to the enemy. Many still walk in darkness. My appointed leader must be surrounded in prayer. This nation can only push back the darkness through prayer and fasting. Worship of Me only. I want to do a work among you, but you must continue the seeking of me first.
For your victory and release of bondage comes from Me and Me alone.
Righteousness wins through Me.
I spared your nation for My glory.
Stay the course. Finish the race.
America will worship Me in truth again and that is where the victory comes. My church will return to Me. I will show the nations of the world who I am once again.
Evil will not be able to withstand my glory, but My people must steward and usher in the glory.
Do not because complacent or lazy. Seek and speak righteousness. For it’s through My righteousness that My glory will sweep over this nation and across the globe.
Yes, I spared your nation and your people, but you must serve Me. You must rise to praising Me for WHO I am before you can praise Me for what I DID in your midst. Your prayers, tears, and cries have reached my throne room.
I am the God of victory and defeat. You are victorious through Me and Me alone. For this victory comes with a price and a mandate to show Me to the world. I will be praised and glorified around the world. The world will know Me and My glory and power once again

Prepare your hearts to receive Me and My glory. Prepare your hearts to continue to battle the evil. I will give you what you need to defeat the darkness, but you must continue to seek Me. You must stay secured to Me. You must remain in Me. For while the victory comes from Me, sustaining the victory is dependent on you continuing to seek Me. Continuing to praise Me. Continuing to acknowledge Me as Lord over All.
America, I am not finished with you. Let the church, My Remnant and My Ecclesia rise. For I the Lord your God have spoken.

Do not relax. Do not sit back.
Continue to Pursue. Overtake. Recover. All.
It is yours for the taking today.

Audrey Yockey


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